Last week, we focused on a lot of backbends and hip openers with backbends in prep for Natrajasana. We worked toward the version pictured below with both hands on the foot, in the overhead plane. This sequence is a spin off of my dear friend Justicia's kapinjalasana sequence from her advanced group practice in Philly. She and I trade sequences often to share ideas and keep things fresh. I tweaked her sequence a bit to target more toward Natrajasana by taking most of the hand balance shapes out and replacing them with hip openers and a few more standing poses. Thanks for sharing your wisdom, Justicia. It definitely helped me see this shape from a new point of view.
Also, several folks in class had some pretty big breakthroughs with a simple assist. Have a friend lift your back thigh up while you are facing the wall with one hand forward for stability. I think that helped students realize how high that back leg has to go to get both hands on the foot. Also, we did the version where you face the wall with your elbows at the wall, moving the arm bones and head back toward the foot. Basically, to find stability, you have to use your strength to get more open in this pose. You can't do much softening here. You will fall over. For this pose, the opening comes from strength. Kick the back leg up as high as your head. Once you get your hand to your foot, use your upper body strength to lift your foot. ENJOY!
Adho Mukha Svanasana
High Lunge w/twist arms in T
Bujangasana on fingertips
Salabasana 2x
High Lunge w/twist arms in prayer
EPRK prep > twisted thigh stretch
Makarasana x2
Makarasana/Bhujangasana alternating
Virabhadrasana I
Ardha Chandra chopasana
Utthita hasta Padangusthasana
Dwi hasta Padasana
pavritta hasta Padangusthasana
(standing) Ardha Bhekasana > Baby Natarajasana
Adho Mukha Vrksasana
Pincha Mayurasana, hands clasped
Sayanasana w/partner (or solo)
EPRK prep w/thigh stretch (same hand to foot)
Dhanurasana x2
Low lunge at wall - block work
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Supta Virasana > Paryankasana
Brigid's Cross
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Agni stambasana
Also, several folks in class had some pretty big breakthroughs with a simple assist. Have a friend lift your back thigh up while you are facing the wall with one hand forward for stability. I think that helped students realize how high that back leg has to go to get both hands on the foot. Also, we did the version where you face the wall with your elbows at the wall, moving the arm bones and head back toward the foot. Basically, to find stability, you have to use your strength to get more open in this pose. You can't do much softening here. You will fall over. For this pose, the opening comes from strength. Kick the back leg up as high as your head. Once you get your hand to your foot, use your upper body strength to lift your foot. ENJOY!
Darren Rhodes in Natarajasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana
High Lunge w/twist arms in T
Bujangasana on fingertips
Salabasana 2x
High Lunge w/twist arms in prayer
EPRK prep > twisted thigh stretch
Makarasana x2
Makarasana/Bhujangasana alternating
Virabhadrasana I
Ardha Chandra chopasana
Utthita hasta Padangusthasana
Dwi hasta Padasana
pavritta hasta Padangusthasana
(standing) Ardha Bhekasana > Baby Natarajasana
Adho Mukha Vrksasana
Pincha Mayurasana, hands clasped
Sayanasana w/partner (or solo)
EPRK prep w/thigh stretch (same hand to foot)
Dhanurasana x2
Low lunge at wall - block work
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Supta Virasana > Paryankasana
Brigid's Cross
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Agni stambasana